Perplexity vs. ChatGPT: Which App is Best for Your Phone?


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Have you noticed? Artificial Intelligence (AI) used to be some sci-fi concept we see in movies, now it’s an everyday thing. And mobile applications have become one of the most accessible ways to interact with these powerful tools. Even Apple will be adding it in their coming IOS versions.

Two of the most talked-about AI applications are Perplexity AI and ChatGPT. There are many opinions on which one is best suited for the everyday phone, but how do you decide which one to use? Whether you’re looking for quick information retrieval, engaging conversation, or creative assistance, choosing the right app can make all the difference.

Let’s talk about what sets Perplexity AI and ChatGPT apart and help you decide which is the best fit for your needs!

Note: While these are general suggestions, it’s important to conduct thorough research and due diligence when selecting AI tools. We do not endorse or promote any specific AI tools mentioned here.

Table of Contents

What is Perplexity AI?

Perplexity AI is primarily an AI-powered search engine designed to retrieve and summarize information from various sources, including academic databases, real-time web searches, and social media. Its purpose is to help users quickly find accurate, up-to-date information without the need for extensive manual searching.

Core Features

  • Advanced Search Capabilities: Perplexity AI integrates multiple AI models to enhance its search and retrieval capabilities. This allows users to filter results and access a broad spectrum of sources.
  • Real-Time Information Retrieval: Unlike traditional search engines, Perplexity AI can pull information from real-time sources, making it ideal for users who need the most current data.
  • Structured Interface: The app provides a well-organized interface, making it easier for users to manage, reference, and organize their research.

Use Cases

Perplexity AI is particularly useful for researchers, students, and professionals who require precise and current information. It’s a go-to tool for anyone needing to compile data quickly and efficiently.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is a conversational AI chatbot that excels in generating human-like responses. Its primary purpose is to engage users in interactive dialogues, making it perfect for tasks that require creativity, brainstorming, or just casual conversation.

Core Features

  • Conversational Interactions: ChatGPT can engage in fluid, natural-sounding conversations, adapting to user prompts and maintaining context over multiple exchanges.
  • Creative Content Generation: The app is known for its ability to generate creative content, from writing prompts to full-length articles, stories, and more.
  • Adaptive Dialogue Experience: ChatGPT’s AI is trained to recognize and respond to a wide range of inputs, making it a versatile tool for different kinds of interactions.

Use Cases

ChatGPT is ideal for users who need assistance with writing, creative projects, or simply want to engage in an AI-driven conversation. It’s a favorite among content creators, writers, and anyone looking for a virtual companion.

Key Differences Between Perplexity AI and ChatGPT

Even though Perplexity AI and ChatGPT are different kinds of AI, they can both do some of the same things. They can both give you information about something or make-up stories. But they are really good at different things.

Perplexity AI excels in providing summaries of factual topics. Its ability to access and process real-time information ensures that its responses are current and relevant. Furthermore, its structured interface aids in organizing research findings, making it a valuable tool for academic or professional research.

However, it may fall short in generating creative text formats like poems or scripts, which require a deeper understanding of language and context.

ChatGPT, on the other hand, shines in creative text generation. Its ability to maintain conversational context allows for engaging interactions and the production of various creative text formats. While it can provide factual information, its responses may lack the depth and accuracy of Perplexity AI due to its reliance on pre-trained data.

Additionally, ChatGPT’s responses can sometimes be misleading or incorrect, especially when dealing with complex or nuanced topics.

Perplexity AI vs ChatGPT: Which AI is Worth the Price?

Both Perplexity AI and ChatGPT have free versions, but you can pay for extra things. If you pay for Perplexity AI, you can find information better. If you pay for ChatGPT, it can talk to you in a smarter way.

So, which one is better? It depends on what you want. If you need really good information, Perplexity AI might be worth the money. But if you want to have fun talking to a computer or need help with creative ideas, ChatGPT could be a good choice.

If you take user reviews into consideration, here’s a general idea of what others say about the two.

First, both Perplexity AI and ChatGPT have users who really like them. Those who use Perplexity AI say it is really fast and gives them correct and sourced information. Scientists, students, and people who do research think it is super helpful.

Users who use ChatGPT like talking to it and how it can help them come up with new ideas or write things. Some people just like to talk to it for fun.

Perplexity AI vs ChatGPT: Best Features

Perplexity Best Features

  • Advanced Search Capabilities
    Perplexity AI’s search capabilities are second to none. It’s designed to dive deep into the web and various databases to pull relevant information, making it a preferred tool for researchers.
  • Real-Time Information Retrieval
    One of the standout features of Perplexity AI is its ability to retrieve real-time information. This ensures that users have access to the most current data available, which is crucial for time-sensitive research.
  • Structured Interface for Research
    The app’s structured interface is tailored for users who need to organize their findings effectively. Features like collections and organized queries make it a valuable tool for anyone needing to manage large amounts of information.

ChatGPT Best Features

  • Conversational Interactions
    ChatGPT is renowned for its conversational abilities. Whether you’re looking for a simple chat or an in-depth discussion on a complex topic, ChatGPT can maintain the context and keep the conversation going.
  • Creative Content Generation
    If you need help with creative tasks, ChatGPT is your go-to AI. From brainstorming ideas to writing full-length content, it excels in generating creative and engaging text.
  • Adaptive Dialogue Experience
    ChatGPT’s ability to adapt to user input makes it a versatile tool for various interactions. It can switch topics smoothly and respond to a wide range of prompts, making it a fun and engaging experience.

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The Final Verdict

Drum roll, please… And the winner is – both! I’m really sorry to end it this way but objectively speaking, Perplexity AI and ChatGPT have their own special skills that it feels like they’re two different tools.

Perplexity AI is great at finding information quickly and accurately, while ChatGPT is better at talking and coming up with new ideas. So, in the end, the best one for you depends on what you need. Creativity? Or Accuracy?

Based on my experience though, I like using Perplexity when I need to fact-check something and have a credible source with it. Something that the latter requires extra steps to do so. And for ChatGPT, I like using it for some creative stuff like helping me write an invitation or some wacky holiday greetings.

That’s it! Hope I gave justice to these AI tools and you found the best fit for your phone. If you want to learn more about AI and other cool AI tools, make sure to subscribe to our newsletter! We also have a free AI resource page where we share the latest tips, tricks, and news to help you make the most of technology.

See you again next time! As always, make it happen.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on available public data and may not be entirely accurate or up-to-date. It’s recommended to contact the respective companies/individuals for detailed information on features, pricing, and availability.


Peter Kim, MD is the founder of Passive Income MD, the creator of Passive Real Estate Academy, and offers weekly education through his Monday podcast, the Passive Income MD Podcast. Join our community at the Passive Income Doc Facebook Group.

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